
Sewing machine. Lesson 12: Secret Lightning


The magazine "Burda" and a network of salons "Beloshveyka" present a course on sewing on an overlock and sewing machine for beginners. The 12th workshop will reveal the secrets of stitching a hidden zipper.

Secret zipper differs from the usual one in that only its lock is visible on the front side of the product. Thus, the clasp is really almost invisible.
Our expert in this video master class will tell you about how secret lightning differs from ordinary lightning and what you need to pay attention to when buying it so that you do not get ordinary lightning under the guise of hidden lightning. You will learn a lot of professional details of stitching a secret zipper: how to process particularly complex fabrics, what types of non-woven fabrics and where to apply, why before sewing, you need to sweep seam allowances, how to properly lay a zipper before stitching, and how to correctly plan it, with which foot to grind zipper and how to install the needle on this foot, how to sew a seam under the zipper so that no holes are visible, and much more.

So, we continue to get acquainted with the secrets of sewing on a sewing machine together with Svetlana Khatskevich.
The videos were created with the participation of the Beloshveyka sewing machine shop chain.
