
What to give to your beloved men on February 23?


Every year we ask this question. And when it seems that all gift ideas have long been exhausted, try to use past experience to come up with something new and unusual. Surprise your men!

It may even be the simplest gift, but at the same time it’s original designed or packaged in a bag with a funny decor that you can make yourself. For those who are not afraid of difficulties and have free time, you can take on more complex projects. From our workshops you will learn how to make gifts for February 23 with your own hands.

Original packaging for wine from a shirt sleeve

Traditionally, good wine is usually given in special beautiful packages. But we offer you a more original and unusual type of packaging.

You will need:

  • Unnecessary men's shirt, more precisely, sleeves from it;
  • Sewing thread and needle;
  • Tie;
  • Scissors

Step 1

Cut the sleeve to the size of the bottle, taking into account a 1 cm seam allowance.

Step 2

Turn the sleeve to the wrong side and grind the bottom of the sleeve. Process the slice in a zigzag stitch.


So that the sleeve does not look too wide, you can lay small folds on the sides and only then sew the bottom of the sleeve.

Step 3

Turn the sleeve on the front side and insert the bottle of wine in the original packaging.

Step 4

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To give the product a finished look, fasten the cuff on the button and tie a tie. Then unscrew the cuff, as if it were the collar of a shirt.
By the way, a tie can be part of this gift if you buy it in advance or sew it yourself.

Silk tie

Does business etiquette require strict dress codes and does your husband have to wear suits every day? Give him a beautiful silk tie.

Just do not rush to go to the store for a gift, sew a tie with your own hands from silk of a suitable color.

Postcard in the form of a man's shirt

Beloved dad will be touched by such a charming gift. Moreover, if your child will make this card on his own, and if you help him, then a little.

You will need:

  • Blank for postcards in white;
  • Creative paper with a pattern and a rectangular part from it for a cuff;
  • Decorative elements, for example, a printed pattern of a tie and buttons;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Simple pencil

Step 1

Spread the paper with the pattern as shown in the photo.

Step 2

On the bottom line, make the same cuts on both sides of the sheet. To determine their exact length, make a layout from plain paper.

Step 3

Unscrew the top of the patterned paper exactly along the drawn line on the back of the sheet.

Step 4

Fold the collar as shown in the photo.

Step 5

Cut out the decor and cuff details. Glue them so that you get a shirt.

Step 6

Sign the blank for the card.

Step 7

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Glue the shirt onto the card blank.

DIY shirt for men

Want to please your man? Then sew him a shirt. It is not as difficult as it seems. And from our detailed workshop you will learn all the nuances and subtleties of tailoring a men's shirt.

If you are ready to take on a more complicated project, for example, to sew a jacket or trousers, use our patterns for men.

Gift in a gift: socks and a belt

The most trivial gift that, according to various polls, men do not like at all, is socks. But if there really is a need to update this part of the men's wardrobe and buy socks, they can simply complement the main gift. And to present them in an unusual way - to pack socks as a gift, for example, in a belt and tie it all up with a beautiful ribbon.

To give such a gift a touch of humor, pay attention to funny socks, we talked about them and other unusual gifts on February 23 on the pages of our site.

Asymmetric butterfly

For those who respect the classics, but love to add some zest to the image, it is worth taking a closer look at the asymmetric butterfly and matching it to your chosen one.

Gift wrapping and greeting card.

Any gift needs packaging. Colored paper, glue, imagination and a bit of free time are all you need to complement the gifts for your men with colorful packaging and a postcard.

DIY gift ideas for your beloved men

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
