
How to sew a hare with your own hands


The soft eared bunny will surely become the best friend for your child, and you can sew it easily with your own hands.

With the help of this simple master class, you can sew a hare with which it will be really comfortable! For sewing a bunny, choose soft and pleasant fabrics.

You will need:

- Two types of fabric (for the body and ears) for your choice: it can be flannel and cotton, plush and linen.

- Filler

- Needle for embroidery

- Mouline

Step 1

Print, glue and cut the pattern.

Step 2

From the base material, cut out two body parts, 4 for the legs and two for the ears. Cut two more details of the ears from the second fabric.

Step 3

Chip off the two parts of the legs with their faces facing each other, stitch with an allowance of 0.6 cm (leave the base unstitched). Repeat for the second foot and for the ears, but for them use one part each from the main and additional fabric. Turn to the front side.

Step 4

Flatten the seams.

Step 5

Chip off the parts of the body, with their faces facing each other, leaving holes for the paws: 2.5 cm on one side and 5 cm on the other (to fill the toy).

Step 6

Sew the lower part of the body, without touching the head, with an allowance of 0.6 cm. In the area between the lower legs, make notches.

Bend the lower corners of the ears to the center to shape the ears. Place them between the parts of the body in the right places and, aligning the slices, pin them with pins. Sew.

Step 7

Turn the toy on the front side.Fill the body and legs with the filler using the hole previously left.

Manually sew the tabs to the body, and use the countersunk stitch to sew the stuffing hole.

Step 8

Embroider the muzzle with simple straight stitches. Done!

Author of the photo and workshop:
