
Country Marathon


Clean air, fresh greens grown by your own hands, and relaxation away from the bustle of the city ... Are you ready to taste all the delights of a country house?

With the onset of the warm May days, most of us rush to the cottages. The smell of the earth, still wet from the snowmelt, and the subtle aroma of spring primroses excite the soul and inspire labor exploits in the name of the future harvest. But no matter how beckoning work on your favorite beds, do not forget about health.

Down with the intruders!

The first trip to the country usually starts with a general cleaning: you need to tidy the house, get rid of dust, knock out mattresses, bedding. Keep in mind that in the absence of owners, rodents come here in search of food, which often become carriers of various infections, in particular viral ones. It is especially dangerous after winter to do dry house cleaning, disassemble garden equipment, tidy up last year's hay, sort out rags - the harmful viruses and bacteria that lurk in them can easily enter the body through the respiratory tract.


When cleaning the house, farm buildings and the site, follow simple rules.

• Do not mark the floor with a dry broom, but start with wet cleaning, after adding any disinfectant to the water.

• When knocking out bedding, disassembling inventory, or collecting dry leaves, be sure to use a respirator or wet gauze bandage to protect your bronchi and lungs.

Let your pen

Planting, weeding, loosening - summer residents have to work a lot with open ground. Be careful: pathogens from the soil can fall first on your hands, and then into your body. Therefore, the risk of intestinal diseases when working with the earth increases several times.


Carefully hygiene and monitor the condition of your hands.

• Use gloves to work in the garden. Then wash your hands twice with a disinfectant soap or gel. In this case, do not be lazy: first, lather your hands, rub the soap on the back of the right hand with the palm of your left hand and vice versa, then rub your palms against each other, treat each finger. Then with a brush remove dirt remaining under the nails.

• After work, pamper your hands with baths with chamomile flowers or plantain leaves - they have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and softening effects.

• If the skin on your hands has become rough, stiff, with gentle massaging movements, apply coffee grounds on your hands, then rinse, dry and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. After several such procedures, your hands will again become soft and velvety.

Tasty and healthy!

Fresh cucumbers from their greenhouse, fragrant berries from the bush, bulk apples directly from the branch ... What could be better than natural products! But do not overly give in to emotions. Changing the nature of food, the lack of familiar communal amenities can play a cruel joke with you - and then instead of benefits you will get health problems.


To avoid intestinal disorders, follow these guidelines.

• Do not eat anything from the garden without first washing it. Carefully sort berries, fruits, vegetables - those with cracks and "barrels", lay aside. Wash the gifts of the garden twice and then rinse with boiled water.

• Pre-soak greens in water with the addition of a table bite, then rinse with boiled water.

• Be sure to boil fresh milk. Do not eat raw eggs.

Test of endurance

In the country, our physical activity, as a rule, increases, and we are not always ready for this. Work with a shovel, rake, chopper, lawn mower is accompanied by an increased load on the muscles of the lumbar spine. Prolonged squatting is harmful to the knee joints. And working upside down, fighting weeds, is dangerous for the vessels of the brain.


How to organize your work in order not to earn radiculitis, arthritis and other diseases at the beginning of the summer season?

• Increase the load gradually. Relax more often, change your type of activity. To relieve muscle tension, do a little workout or just walk around the site.

• Use lightweight garden tools. Extend its handles so that the back angle is less. Plant seedlings and weed the beds while sitting on a small bench or a special stool.

• Do not work in the afternoon hours - the hottest time of the day.

• Avoid drafts, wear light but tight clothing.

• Do not set records in the beds.Shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness appeared, "flies" flicker before your eyes? Stop operation immediately.

• If you have health problems, before you go to the cottage, do not forget to visit your doctor and take your prescribed medications with you out of town.

Oh wound ...

No one is safe from cuts and injuries in the midst of summer cottage. The main thing in such cases is to provide assistance to the victim as soon as possible.


Be sure to take a first-aid kit with you to the country and be prepared for any situations.

• Scratched with a glass edge or a sharp sliver? Rinse the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Lubricate the skin around (do not touch the wound itself!) With iodine, brilliant green or alcohol and seal with a bactericidal plaster.

• Small bleeding is easy to stop with a tight dressing. If a large vein or artery is damaged, a tourniquet should be applied to the arm or leg above the site of bleeding. Instead of a tourniquet, you can use a belt, rope, a twisted piece of fabric, etc. Then the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital. In case of injury to the head, face, body after treatment of the wound, a tight gauze bandage is applied.

• If you are bitten by dogs, cats, rodents, snakes, you should immediately contact the nearest emergency room, whose address is better to know in advance.

What to put in the first-aid kit?

Dressing material: sterile bandages, cotton wool, napkins, bactericidal patch, rubber band

■ Disposable syringes

■ Disinfectants: iodine, brilliant green, etc.

■ Anesthetics (in the form of tablets and ointments)

■ Allergy medicine

■ Nitroglycerin

■ Drugs for lowering blood pressure

■ Diarrhea remedies: antimicrobials, sorbents, digestive enzymes

■ Anti-burn external products

■ If necessary, medicines for chronic diseases prescribed by your doctor.

Text: E. Shvedova. Photo: Kurhan / Maram / Shocky (3), PR (1).
