
Oh, these spots!


Children manage to plant them even where sterile clean. But then they are children. So do not worry about this. Especially with most stains on children's clothing can be dealt with.

After all, it can be anything - food stains, "drawings" from felt-tip pens, chewing gum, grass, plasticine, juices.
Things withfood stains, juice stains and even fromherbs pre-soak in warm water with washing powder for about 1 hour. Then wash children's things in the machine in a gentle mode, at low speeds, at a temperature of 40 ° C using a children's washing powder, for example Tide Children's. Children's detergents are not aggressive, rinse well already at 30 ° C and cope with various contaminants. By the way, for soaking and washing it is better to use the same baby powder.
With chewing gum and plasticine coping a little harder. First, the thing will have to be sent to the freezer, so that later it is easy to remove the chewing gum and plasticine. Since a stain may remain at the place of adhesion (chewing gum and plasticine have their own color), soak them for a couple of hours in warm water with baby powder before washing children's clothes in a typewriter.

Modern felt-tip pens mainly made on a water basis. And to cope with such a stain is not difficult.A normal wash will suffice. But if the trace on the clothes from the felt-tip pen is not water-based, you will first have to treat the stain with nail polish remover. And then just wash the soiled thing along with the others in a washing machine using baby powder.
Expert Opinion
The moderator of our site, an engineer-technologist of sewing production, a teacher of sewing, Svetlana Khatskevich, gives our readers some more valuable recommendations on the “fight” with stains on children's clothes:
Children are clothing contamination champions. What spots they do not manage to put! Our task is to cope with them without damaging the bright clothes of the baby.
Stains fromherbs rarely washed the first time in the washing machine. But in order to get rid of them, it is enough to soak a thing in water with vinegar before washing (1 tbsp. 9% vinegar per liter of water).
Chocolate - terribly tasty, but also easily soiled. Ethyl alcohol copes with it perfectly, it dissolves chocolate stains and at the same time does not harm the fabric.
All fruit and berry spots You can rub with lemon or citric acid, then rinse under a stream of boiling water. The stain will disappear before our eyes. If the spots are old, then the treatment must be repeated.
Greasy spots Before washing, I just pour liquid with dishwashing liquid, then rinse the spot and then wash as usual.
But with all the other spots, the laundry soap does an excellent job. We rub the moistened contaminated places with soap and let lie down a little. Then we wash in a typewriter with baby powder.
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Text: Svetlana Khatskevich.
Photo: PR.


Watch the video: How to penetrate O-Ho weak spots. Куда пробивать O-Ho зоны пробития - WOT Old (January 2025).