
Handmade horoscope: August 2018


What and how is it better to do needlewomen in the coming August - we check the recommendations of the horoscope.



The coming August for Aries will be rich in positive emotions, meetings and communication. In matters, there will be a lot of routine and a return to what has been postponed for a long time. There are two hand-made councils. The first is to boldly contact those who do the same as you. It is possible that people whom you considered competitors will eventually become your associates. The second - refer to the "underdevelopment", "underreach" and other unfinished projects. Perhaps the time has come to bring to mind one or more of them.

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For Taurus, the last month of this summer promises to be one of the most productive and eventful periods of the year. You will be full of strength, energy and desire to certainly bring to the end even the most complex and large-scale projects - this also applies to needlework. For learning and self-development, time is also good. Maybe you have long wanted to try to reach a new level in sewing? Now is the right time for this. Dream, set goals and boldly go to them. But do not forget about the rest. The best option is to make a plan and not allow yourself to be overworked, plus - to leave time for family and chatting with loved ones.

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Gemini will have a good month: interesting, bright and successful. You will be accompanied by luck, much of what you have been working on for a long period will finally give "dividends", plus - you yourself will attract the attention of others. This is good to use if you have long wanted to declare yourself a little louder than usual: for example, tell about your work in a blog or on a forum on a thematic site, create your own handmade page or take part in an exhibition. With high probability you will find success, plus new interesting acquaintances.

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August for Crayfish promises to be a harmonious period: significant changes and unexpected decisions are possible, but with a higher probability, changes will be positive, opening new horizons and changing lives for the better. The last decade of August is good for starting a business, if you want to start making money on needlework, or for taking a business to a new level, if you are already doing this. Do not be afraid of unusual decisions, listen to yourself: now you think and act wisely and judiciously.

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A lion


This August, everything is in order to fulfill the maximum number of desires of the representatives of your sign. So wish boldly, but deliberately, remembering that thought and word are material. If we talk about needlework, then August will be a good time to afford what you have long dreamed of: needlework courses, study guides, luxurious materials or new equipment. It’s better to buy the latter near the end of the month, on the 20th and later: until this time, retrograde Mercury can prevent you from making a quality purchase (this applies to the acquisition of technical devices in general and applies to all signs).

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In the coming August, virgins should try to set real goals, make informed decisions and beware of unplanned spending. This also applies to needlework: now is not the best time to thoroughly purchase expensive materials or take up projects that may require too much effort. Set aside hard work for later. Now it will be more useful and pleasant for you to do such needlework that will help you to rest and relax.It is also good to take on the creation of small simple things in order to see the result in a short time.

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For Libra, August will be an exceptionally favorable period for study, advanced training and the successful implementation of new knowledge. So learn what you have long dreamed of and take on new projects for you: everything will work out. For example, try to master a new for you, not the most common type of needlework, or go to a higher level in the business that you have been doing for a long time. Perhaps this will require financial investments - purchases also promise to be successful (however, it is better not to buy equipment before the 20th of August).

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The upcoming August for Scorpions will be interesting in two ways. Firstly, you will often be possessed by emotions (sometimes - trying to drown out the voice of reason), and secondly, you will gush with creative ideas and burn with their realization. Together, this gives an incendiary, but rather explosive mixture - not the most deliberate and rational decisions are possible. To prevent this from happening, try not to take up projects (including handicraft ones) newly born by fantasy, but think them over a bit, possibly discussing with those who understand the intricacies of the matter. Having convinced yourself of the fidelity of the goal, go for it - there will be enough energy for realization.

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Sagittarius this August will be favorable to do work on their style and image - and appearance, including clothing, this is not least the case. It will be good to carry out an audit of the wardrobe, get rid of the unnecessary and think about how you would like to look in the new season. There is still time before the beginning of autumn: you will have time to choose and sew or tie a couple or more things that will complement your image or change it. And do not forget about accessories: they give the opportunity to change quickly and with a minimum of effort.

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The best way to apply needlework knowledge and skills for Capricorn this August will be the arrangement and decoration of your home. Overhaul is not necessary - it is enough to update the interior with the help of new textiles, accessories, possibly - rearrangement of furniture. Before that, it’s good to clean, perhaps a general one, including to sort out the treasury of materials for needlework. In general, the month promises to be not too smooth, and it is the chores of comfort in your "nest" that will bring you peace, peace and help to cheer you up.

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August will not become for most Aquarius completely cloudless and light. There will be moments of anxiety, as well - you have to work hard to achieve what you want. But the outcome promises to be favorable: relatives, friends, mentors and colleagues will help you - so do not hesitate to seek help, practical or emotional, when you feel the need for it. For large and complex projects, including needlework, it’s better not to take it now - calmly continue what you started, trying to make the hobby a vacation, not a stress. But to build and ponder big plans is the time: the opportunity to realize them will come later.

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For Pisces, especially creative ones, August will be the month of many ideas and plans and their implementation. Needlework is also a concern. Good luck will accompany you - you will feel the return on what you started in early August in the second half of the month. However, immersed in successful and interesting business, it is easy to get carried away, forgetting about the rest ... Try to take care of your health and spend more time outdoors. This is especially important if you work a lot while sitting - this is what happens with most needlewomen.No matter how the process captures you, take breaks - both during the day and during the month.

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Watch the video: August 2018 VIRGO Monthly Intuitive Tarot Astrology Love Horoscope (July 2024).