
Wellness: the art of being happy


Feeling good, looking great, being energetic and positive - isn't that what each of us dreams of?

It is not surprising that wellness - a new lifestyle that makes our dream a reality - has become extremely popular in the modern world.

Wellness philosophy was born in the second half of the twentieth century in America. According to one version, the new concept was formed from the English words well-being (health, well-being) and fitness (compliance). The first wellness advocate to write a whole book about the new lifestyle, Donald B. Ardel called it an alternative to doctors, medicine, and illness. However, the true essence of wellness is not only in maintaining health, but also in achieving harmony with oneself and the world around us, in finding the source of joy that will nourish our lives. The main thing is that it’s never too late to discover wellness, you just need to know its basic principles and try to put them into practice.


Any kind of physical activity, whether swimming, running, cycling or aerobics, enhances the metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, and prevents overweight. It is proved that regular exercise and fitness reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, type II diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis.
The form of training can be periodically changed to load different types of muscles and avoid monotony.But even if you can’t go to the gym several times a week, try to walk more before and after work, use elevators and escalators less, walk more on weekends, play outdoor games with children and, of course, spend your vacation without lying on the couch while on the move.


It is no secret that today the main enemy of a person is stress, so our health and good mood largely depend on whether we are able to relax. Well, if you have the opportunity to regularly go to the SPA-salon, for a massage or yoga. But at home, you can arrange a relaxation session. Light scented candles, turn on pleasant music, sit back in a chair and close your eyes - after 15 minutes you will feel cheerful and rested. The same can be done in the bath by adding salt or essential oils to the water.


Scientists have noticed that among the factors affecting longevity, the main place is occupied not by the physical indicators of the body, but by the mental attitude of the person himself, his attitude to life and his environment. Try not to succumb to negative emotions and in any situation, no matter how difficult it may be, to look for positive aspects.
Learn to enjoy simple things: a sunny morning, a good book, meeting friends. Smile even to strangers more often, and do not get tired of telling your loved ones to repeat how you love them and how much they mean to you. And then you will feel what real harmony is.


Every 24 hours, more than 3 billion new cells are created in our body. If some nutrient necessary for their formation is missing, the cells may contain a defect. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to get a balanced diet every day. What does it mean? First of all, we need slowly digestible carbohydrates and fiber, which provide a boost of energy. To do this, eat cereal dishes, wholemeal bread, legumes, vegetables. Our body also needs the proteins (proteins) found in meat, poultry, eggs, and fish, which are especially beneficial. A good source of protein is dairy products, preferably low in fat. Of course, you can’t do without fats at all, but you have to bet on monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil. As for salt and sugar, it is advisable to limit their consumption to a minimum.


Even if we eat right, our body needs additional substances that do not come with food or come in limited quantities. It is primarily about vitamins and minerals. They provide tissue growth and restoration, support the immune system, and promote the elimination of toxins.
Healthy omega-3 fatty acids are just as important to us. This acid is necessary for the good functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain, it improves memory, helps fight pain and inflammation, and moisturizes the skin. And a completely special role for our health and beauty is played by antioxidants (catechins of green tea, vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, etc.), which enhance the protection of cells from the aggression of free radicals and slow down the aging process, both external and internal.


Watch the video: The Art of Being Happy (December 2024).