
False laugh - a clever imitation


Warm, pleasant to the touch, rich in appearance - you need to try very hard to distinguish modern faux fur from natural.

Fur for the poor

Faux fur appeared in the 20s and until the mid-50s was considered "fur for the poor." Everything changed in the late 80s: the popularity of falsehood began to grow after the advertising campaign for animal protection under the slogan

“We'd rather walk naked than wear fur,” conducted by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatmentof Animals), which was attended by supermodels: Naomi Campbell and others.


Many began to look for an alternative to natural fur, the same warm and chic. Fabric manufacturers and designers responded to the demand and began to bring faux fur to perfection. Today it is often difficult to distinguish it from the present, and the production is simple and inexpensive, which is reflected in an affordable price. Plus, unlike natural fur, its analogue has practically no number of variations in colors, patterns and pile lengths. If you used to choose a classic fur coat, buying it once and for all your life, then things from a false mask can be changed at least every season, following new trends. What animal fashionistas need!

Modern falsehood

Today, faux fur of the French brand Tissavel is recognized as the most famous and high-quality.It imitates animal fur better than other analogues. The basis of this material is fabric, usually viscose or cotton. Products from Tissavel are almost indistinguishable from natural fur coats. And the difference in cost is very noticeable - ten times! The main disadvantage of any artificial fur is the ability of the finished product to retain heat well. Therefore, such a fur coat requires a warm lining in order to warm you well in cold weather. The faux fur coat is practical, it will not be eaten by moth, it is not afraid of rainfall, it is easy to care for it. Even if you are exposed to rain, it is enough to dry the product. The material is durable and will last you more than one season. And returning to its price, you can sew several products of various models without much damage to the budget. We talked about how to work with faux fur on the pages of our site.

In the magazine Burda you will find many interesting patterns for every taste and occasion.

Faux fur coat

• Straight coat with stand-up collar model 101 Burda 1/2014 • Coat without collar model 122 Burda 1/2016 • Coat with raglan sleeves model 104 Burda 1/2014

Faux Fur Vests

• Straight vest with a lowered shoulder line model 106 Burda 1/2014 • Long vest model 103 Burda 11/2013 • Vest without fastener model 106 Burda 12/2015

Combined Models

• Coat of O-silhouette model 102 Burda 10/2013 • Coat of A-silhouette model 123 Burda 1/2016 • Jacket model 130 Burda 10/2012
In addition, do not forget about accessories, from faux fur they turn out stylish and fashionable: bags, stoles, capes.
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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