
Handmade horoscope: September 2018


How and what needlewomen should do in September - we consult the recommendations of the horoscope.



September for Aries promises to be a period when the strategy of small consecutive steps is relevant. Creative impulses and bursts of inspiration can accelerate the process of achieving your goals, but basically you have to act measuredly and progressively. Do not be afraid to revise your plans and adjust your plans. Needlework is also concerned: if in the process you feel that you need to change something, do not be too lazy to go back a step or a few back and redo the work - the efforts will be rewarded.

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The first month of autumn promises Taurus many interesting meetings, the birth of new ideas and the discovery of previously sleeping talents. Be attentive to your desires and to the suggestions of others: it is possible that right now will be laid down what in the future will become very important in your life. Including talk about your favorite hobbies: if you suddenly wanted to learn something new, raise your level or change your profile a little, it's worth a try. True, before this it would be good to complete what has already been started without abandoning the work unfinished.

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For Gemini this September, the main events will be associated with family and home. In addition to communicating with loved ones and relatives, this also means making efforts to arrange the place where you live. Repair will be good now, even a small one, furniture renovation, rearrangement. Including relevant and successful will be any needlework projects related to the interior. Try updating the textiles, for example, stitching new curtains, a sofa cover and pillows, adding coziness to your home, decorating it with your own things.

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In terms of sewing and needlework, Cancers in September should pay attention to two points. First: training in the new will be successful and fruitful, both in-house and in full-time or online courses or master classes. Second: it is the beginning of autumn and specifically September for representatives of your sign that are good for updating the wardrobe. Both a radical change of style and the introduction of individual changes and additions to it will be successful. Choose models, patterns, materials - and go for it!

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A lion


The main thing that will captivate the representatives of your sign this September is self-improvement. The desire to reach new heights can affect different areas of life, and your favorite hobby - including. You sew, knit or embroider, are fond of decorating or other types of needlework, this month you will most likely want to go to a new level, improving your skills. Luck will help you - now it’s quite possible to tackle projects that once seemed complicated.

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The upcoming September for Dev will be the time optimal for a calm and methodical work. For too complex and grandiose projects, the period is not the most suitable: now it is better to do what does not require maximum effort and allows you to enjoy the process itself. Needlework is also affected: the implementation of plans too bold should be postponed for now. Let your hobby first and foremost help you relax. In general, do not forget about relaxation - this month you may need a little more time at rest and solitude than usual.

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September is not the most unambiguous period for Libra.In the first half of the month you will want rest and solitude, and towards the end of September you will feel a surge of strength and a desire to act. One way or another, this month for the representatives of your sign is the best time to make plans, and not to put them into practice. Take care of current affairs, including handicrafts, while think over new projects as you should, best of all - alone. If there is an opportunity, it’s good to go on vacation, in another case - just relax more, preferably in nature.

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For Scorpios, the coming month will be a time to restore order in life and business. Do not resist if you feel the desire to put everything in its place and get rid of the ballast, which prevents you from moving on freely. This can affect different areas of life, from social circle or professional responsibilities to order in the home or workplace. September is a great time to carry out an audit in your handicraft projects and "storerooms". Decide what to do with unfinished things, put tools and materials on the shelves, get rid of the unnecessary - it will become easier and more interesting to live and work.

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September promises to be a successful and fruitful month for Sagittarius, a time successful for the implementation of big ideas and complex projects. This will apply to needlework as well - for example, if you sew, but haven’t yet taken on outerwear models or working with difficult “capricious” materials, now it’s worth a try. The only thing, but - in order for the goals to be achieved, you have to work hard, concentrating on work properly. Be careful, accurate and pedantic, do not forget to take breaks and relax - and everything will work out.

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Under the harmonious influence of planetary aspects in the first month of autumn, Capricorns will feel a large surge of energy and strength. The main thing is to correctly prioritize and select several main lines of action in order to use this energy as competently as possible without spraying in vain. A good way is to make a plan at the beginning of the month, identifying the most important things (of course, not forgetting to allocate time for your favorite hobby). It is also worth remembering that the best rest is a change in the type of activity. Organize your time so that mental work is replaced by periods of physical activity - even for the most fascinating work or needlework you should not sit for hours.

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To maintain harmony and avoid acute situations, Aquarius in September is better to listen to the voice of reason than to succumb to the influence of emotions. Before embarking on new projects, including handicraft ones, it is better to think them over properly - and possibly postpone them until October. This is especially true for large and complex things and cases. In the current work, it is worthwhile to show increased attentiveness and accuracy: small mistakes can turn into the need to do the work again. Take on what you are good at, and if you are starting something new, let it be easy to implement and quick to get results.

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September for representatives of your sign promises to be a calm and harmonious month. Most of the problems will be solved without much effort, which means that more time will be left for hobbies and needlework. It is fortunate that this particular time will turn out to be a period successful for revealing your creative talents (the last ten days of the month are especially good in this regard). Try to discover new abilities in yourself or go to the next level in a business that you have been doing for a long time.The attempt to open a personal business also promises to be successful - if you have a desire and need, try to make money, for example, with needlework.

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Watch the video: Capricorn Horoscope September 2018 (September 2024).